Be kind to yourself and live healthier!
In a recent article in Psychology today, it stated that Being kind to yourself can actually help you to bounce back, live healthier, and stay on track.
Showing yourself kindness and self-compassion when faced with difficult life struggles or failures can transform your relationship with yourself and promote healthier ways of living.
And is a much more effective approach to behavior change than than trying to motivate yourself with shame and self-criticism. Shame and self-criticism lead to inner rebellion and giving up, while self-compassion gives you hope and helps you trust the process of change.
Research on self-compassion shows that it is associated with:
● Less anxiety and depression
● More optimism
● Better recovery from stress
● Better adherence to healthy behavior changes, such as exercise or diet
Join the 10-day Self-Care Challenge kicking off on the 1st and take some time to make YOU a priority this month!